Fred's story

Themes & inspiration

Brand stores

Fred Talk
Founded in 2011 by Rob Schalker and Martin van den Nouwland, A fish named Fred is a brand that brings joy and vibrancy to the world. We specialize in unique men’s clothing and accessories featuring bold designs, bright colors, and unconventional textures.
Our products are perfect for individuals who seek self-expression and want to stand out from the crowd. Whether you need a new shirt, trousers, or a distinctive accessory, A fish named Fred caters to every style-conscious man. Add fun and personality to your wardrobe with our refreshing take on men’s fashion.Singel 350 | Amsterdam
Zwanestraat 6 | Groningen
Kornoelje 23 | Leidschendam
Markt 56 | Maastricht
Varkensmarkt 1A | Roermond
Unit Y13 Brent Cross | London